How enterprises benefit from scoped npm registries

What is this all about?

Nowadays almost every programming language comes with its package management solution, so developers can easily share packages with other developers around the world. For Python it is pip, for .NET it's NuGet. npm is the package manager solution for JavaScript-based languages. It is used to create and use node packaged modules and is built into the JavaScript platform Node.js. The central component behind these package managers is a registry. A registry is a database of packages, each comprised of software and metadata. For example, the public registry for npm is

Besides using public registries, companies can establish their private registries in their company network. NexusArtifactory or verdaccio only to name some of the well-known. The advantage is that the published packages of that company never leave the company network. Another advantage is that you can set up authentication to additionally secure your internally published packages.

Real-world challenges for a fictional enterprise

Jeff the Wombat1 is a Frontend developer at "Working Wombats ACME" and got a letter from his boss that due to security reasons, from now on, the developers have to use the internal company registry for their npm packages. The internal registry can be accessed via username and password. "This is an easy one," thinks Jeff and starts trying to add the new registry to the configuration. But soon he finds out, that he can only add one default registry. But how should he then get packages from the public npm registry and, on the other side, private packages from the newly setup internal registry at the same time? Time to google...

While searching Jeff stumbles upon the following:

All npm packages have a name. Some package names also have a scope. A scope follows the usual rules for package names (URL-safe characters, no leading dots or underscores). When used in package names, scopes are preceded by an @ symbol and followed by a slash, e.g. @somescope/somepackagename Scopes are a way of grouping related packages together, and also affect a few things about the way npm treats the package. -- npm

Packages can be grouped with scopes and for scopes, we can set alternative registries named scoped registries where npm will lookup the packages instead of the main registry.

"Well, this sounds promising!" Jeff thinks.

💡 The usage of scoped packages and scoped registries can also greatly diminish your attack surface for the dependency confusion attack dependency confusion attack

How to configure scoped registries

.npmrc is a configuration file that configures how npm works in your environment. It can be used globally or on a user or project level. Here are the docs for .npmrc.

"Working Wombats ACME" already set up the new registry and moved all packages from the public registry into the private registry. Fortunately for the internal packages, they already used scopes (@workingwombats). The registry can be found internally via the URL So Jeff could add a scoped registry with the following line to .npmrc:


401 Unauthorized... what? 😱

Jeff quickly added the configuration for the scoped registries and thought he could knock off work early today and enjoy the rest of the day but then he saw the dreaded 401 error message...

Even if the registry is hosted internally, it is good practice to add authentication to prevent anonymous access to the packages. This can be in form of a username and password or via an access token. For username and password normally basic authentication (Basic Authentication) is used. To create the authentication string Jeff takes the username and password, separated with a colon and then encode it with base64:

username:password ⇒ base64 encoded ⇒ dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

For encoding you could use the command line echo -n 'my-string' | base64 (bash) or an IDE (e.g. vscode with plugin). Or alternatively you could even use a REPL (e.g. JS REPL with the following command in JavaScript Buffer.from('username:password', 'binary').toString('base64')).

💡 If you use the command-line, the password is saved in plaintext into the command-line history and can be retrieved from there. As a good practice, you should delete the command from the command-line history afterwards.

💡 There are also base64 encoder websites. You should never enter a productive username and/or password there. Use these only for testing purposes.

Jeff remembered, that the mail of his boss also contained the username and password in plaintext to access the registry (yes, even in the best imaginary companies security isn't always perfect 🤷‍♂️):

sirWombat:theCudd1er! ⇒ base64 encoded ⇒ c2lyV29tYmF0OnRoZUN1ZGQxZXIh

So to add basic authentication to the registry, Jeff encodes the username and password with base64 and goes back to the .npmrc file, and adds the following line below the corresponding scoped registry:


💡 Note the // without the HTTPS: at the beginning

Alternatively, if you have an access token you can put the access token after _authToken:


Jeff tried it again et voilà it worked! He almost committed the new additions of the project-level .npmrc to git but then his old mentor "Sir Wombat" came into his mind:

💡 Remember that it is not a good practice to add credentials to version control e.g. if you have versioned your .npmrc file.

and Jeff was asking himself...

But where should I put the credentials then? 🤷‍♂️

Jeff doesn't want to commit the credentials so he decides to put the credentials in an environment variable and refer to them in the configuration file.

Start by defining the variable:

e.g. for linux $ export NPM_TOKEN=<base64-string>

We can then add the environment variable in our .npmrc file:


The npm CLI will replace this value with the contents of the NPM_TOKEN environment variable.


Finally, Jeff could shut down his computer and leave work. Today he learned how to use scoped registries to access different scoped packages. He also learned how to use .npmrc for configuration, what Basic Authentication is and how to use it to access scoped registries.

"In the end...", thought Jeff, "...this wasn't too hard."

As a backend developer myself peeking into the world of frontend, I was standing before the same problem as Jeff. I wish I had found this blog post by then... 😌

  1. Imaginary figure which does not reflect any certain person or animal in the real world.

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